History of Alberton, Johannesburg South Africa, information on Alberton and the history of Alberton, with interesting facts and types of accommodation, restaurants, entertainment and tourist attractions

          Org Meyers Grave         

Johannes Petrus Meyer bought 11 hectare of his fathers farm, Elandsfontein (currently Alberton) from his stepfather, at the age of 13.


Jan's wife, Christina Salomina, passed away in 1870 with the birth of their fourth daughte, He started a general dealer's store and later built his mansion (still standing today) in 1890. This mansion was never destroyed and was miraciously left untouched during the war.


Jan's brother Johan Georg (Org) Meyer took over the farm after Jan's death. General Alberts purchased a part of the farm Elandsfontein from Org and his plan was to split it up into erven and sell it. General Alberts decided on the name Alberton. 


  • 1903 - The first family to settle - Van der Merwe family
  • “Tannie Let” was the very first woman as well as the first midwife in the area.
  • 1905 - at least five families had settled on the properties.
  • 1918 - Alberton's first town hall and factory was built
  • The first company in Alberton was CJ Fuchs (Pty) Limited and is still doing business in Alberton.
  • Alberton's first street lights were also installed
  • 1924 a rat plague hit Alberton
  • Alberton's first doctor was a woman, Dr Hope Trant.
  • 1926 - Alberton's roads were tarred.
  • 1926 - The first official post office was opened.
  • 1938 - b uilding work started on the new town hall.
  • Street names in the Alberton North suburb were named after the Voortrekker heroes.


There are a variety of shopping centres, libraries, clinics, hospitals and entertainment facilities available here.


Alberton offers a wide variety of accommodation for visaitors and tourists, from comfortable, affordabe B&B lodging, to exclusive Guest Lodges and Hotels