Krugersdorp, which was named in honour of President Paul Kruger, has now been renamed Mogale City. This area has a long association with gold. Tradition has it that Chief Mogale and his tribe were traders and miners of gold, although little remains of hundreds of the settlements which are known to have existed at the turn of the 19th Centuary. Large numbers of prospectors came to the area in 1887, when the present day town was founded.


Krugersdorp abounds in accommodation of all sorts - from budget accommodation to more exclusive B & B accommodation. There are many self-catering chalets, hotels, guest houses and lodges to be found in Krugersdorp.


Krugersdorp has a thriving business centre, with many shopping centres and modern malls.



There are many historic attractions, including the Mogale City Museum, the Old Magistrates Court, Railway Station, Police Station and Houses associated with the early years of mining. Tours to the interesting Mogale Museum are available. The Museum includes is housed in the old Magistrates Court, and includes exhibitions on the role that the area had in mining, the Geology and Geography of the region, and the establishment and development of the town.


Paul Kruger, after whom the town was originally named, was a Boer leader who fought for independence from Britain, and established the Zuid-Afrikaanse Republiek, of which he became President. The fabled "Kruger Millions" have been the subject of movies, and treasure hunterssearching for the hoard of gold bullion reputed to have been removed from the mint by Kruger to fund the Boer War, and buiried somere on route to Lourenco Marques (now Maputa).